Friday, November 05, 2010

I have put up a poll...

     I have put up a poll asking readers what they think the likely result of the recent election will be. The poll will be running until about the end of this year. Since I'm asking for a prediction, it would be fruitless to extend the poll until after the new faces take office in January.


Whateverman said...

It's not going to be pretty. Although there are republicans who give me a little reason to be hopeful, most seem eager to perceive this shellacking as a mandate to obstruct.

Most of the anti-Obama crowd have no idea of how influential the Republicans were in crafting "Obamacare". They seem to think it was shoved down the throats of freedom-loving Americans. Most of the Republicans are only too happy to feed into this myth...

Pvblivs said...

     It is my experience that most major party members (from either party) are only too happy to feed into any myth, rumor, or lie that they think will give them power.

Whateverman said...

True enough...

I saw a quick blurb on the news recently. A camera man was asking people on the street for one word describing what they wanted from the new Congress.

The best answer out of the bunch: statesmanship