Thursday, October 23, 2008

A thing about people who say not to "judge god."

     I do not understand them when they do that. Do they not realize that declaring him holy and just is no less judging him than calling him vile and depraved is? And the fact is that the actions described in the bible and attributed to or supposedly commanded by its god are evil. A common claim by christians is that "it is okay when he does it." First, I don't believe it; and furthermore, it would make it meaningless to call him good.
     I see many people worshipping an obvious evil, and putting blinkers on and calling it good. If anyone other than their "god" were to do or command the same things, they would denounce him as a heinous criminal. Well, I give no such special consideration. The christian god is unquestionably wicked. The only redeeming part to the stories is that it is likely that that is all they are -- stories. Were the christian god real, I would advocate locking him up somewhere where he could do no harm.

1 comment:

Reynold said...

I do not understand them when they do that. Do they not realize that declaring him holy and just is no less judging him than calling him vile and depraved is?
That's what I always say. Not that it does any good when I try it, either.