Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I've probably said this before ...

     Ive probably said this before; but I don't believe that christians really believe what they say about their god. I think they are trying to convince themselves as much as they are trying to convince anyone else. Consider, blogs set up by christians to promote their "faith" often start out admitting comments. But it is only a matter of time. Sooner or later, they either disallow comments completely, or they screen them and allow only those comments that pose no challenge to them. I am, of course, not talking about the "christians" who are actually salesmen. Nothing challenges their beliefs because they are not trying to convince themselves that they believe. They are only trying to sell goods. But the people truly trying to support christianity ultimately seem to have a need to hide. This has been my experience, at any rate.


Dax said...

Sounds about right to me.

Oranges said...

I think its often a fuzzy comforting "thingy" in the background of most Christians lives, a blanket, a tie to their community and feelings of family and belonging.

Wow, that was almost lucid.

Its something like love of your country. We all, no matter what shit part of the world we live in, support our country, we want to see our own do well, and defend it and its people irrationally at times.

So ... religious belief is often like a form of irrational nationalism! Hmm, I think theres an award-winning book in this.

D. A. N. said...

In my case it was merely a mistake. Next time I will put my email in the field to be notified of the comments. Frankly, I thought everyone was angry at me thinking I was posting that sick stuff that punk was linking too.

I forgive you though :7p

D. A. N. said...

linking to.